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How to get your Senior Team

"Architecture" Ready?

Our in-house custom training is the best solution 

Do you want to organize training for a  project team or an entire department?

Our team  will visit onsite  for a customized,
​industry-specific training workshop

Team>> Individual

Getting Project Ready >>

Teams trained at the same time ensure appreciation for each other’s challenges and needs.

Minimize the time delay in knowledge transfer, individual readiness vs. team readiness.

Customize Course Content 


Each project team has a specific goal. That would need customization.


Often, we have changed our inhouse delivery to focus on one or more of the following issues


- How to transform a Business idea to IT implementation while others are exploring how to reduce design complexities?


 - How to create an effective business case for a product or product line or a IoT enabled system for Cloud ?

- How to use model-driven analysis, design, and architecture disciplines' best practices to reduce expenditure and time-to-market?

- How to create effective traceability across IT elements for relationship matrix & change management?


In-house sessions are custom designed and delivered. You will have review sessions with our team to cover certain topics which are not part of our standard public workshop

Industry case studies

If you are designing and developing systems for Healthcare, it's imperative that you see more references to systems from Healthcare. This is exactly what we do. We help you to understand your problems and solution in the context of your industry. 


In addition, we also share with your some successful projects from other industry domains and identify how to use the learnings to bring disruptions in your industry.


Theory vs Practise

In last 20 years, we have evolved IT Anatomy and several methodologies to address and respond to architecture issues in real time. 


Answers to questions such as how to design for “everything is a service” ensuring software reuse, asset consolidation, time-to-market acceleration? or how to share common data, standards and modelling structures, can't be understood with presentation slides alone.


Our workshops are driven by hands-on case studies and lab sessions.  In fact, 60-70% of the workshop time is spent in case studies and lab sessions.

Based on the workshop goals and customization, the workshop duration is extended to ensure that key concepts and practise around that is well understood.


Normally, our in-house sessions are designed for 3 days.


In last 20 years of customer interactions, we have realised that post- workshop support and mentoring is the key to results. 

We understand that a workshop is only the start of a journey. As a manager or practitioner, the challenge starts once you are out of the workshop. There is a need for help and guidance which can accelerate learning into practice. 


Our consultants work with participants through virtual round-table session and to ensure they are able to apply IT Anatomy driven solution to change and complexity management within 4-6 weeks attending workshops

Meaning all your time and money spent in the workshop will start to generate value within few weeks self.

Post-workshop support​


Key Features

Post Workshop kit



Post workshop kit
All the workshop case studies summary slidess (PDFs),
Additional Case studies ( PDFs)
Mock Test Paper

Complementary webinar sessions for workshop participants based on their skill and project

Post workshop Q&A


Subject related queries are answered by ICMG Consultants

Subject related queries are answered by ICMG Consultants

Our team will help the participants in applying the skills acquired during training using prototypes. Applying these skills in solution prototype is an effective way of realizing value



Level 1 - Essentials ( $100)
Level 2 - Practitioner ($200)

Web round Table Meetings


Round Table Sessions ( online) are an important part of our coaching and mentoring services.

Why ICMG Architecture Workshop?

  • Growth opportunities

  • Digital Solution owners

Our Architecture driven IT Solutions are enabling business

differentiation and service agility

Most of our workshop participants are playing Chief Architect, Product Heads and are proud to be solution owners and focussed on short-term benefits as well as long-term sustenance

  • Digial Decision Making

Unfortunately, most other Architecture practice is about creating 45-50 complex looking diagrams, spent 7-12 months and then no one uses it. Our IT Anatomy approach ensures that architecture is being used on day-day decision making. Learn How.

  • Solution Prototype

Our programs are not just about the individual learning, but how effectively team can use the skills in improving ongoing projects. Our coaching doesn't end with classroom training, our team works with you to transform classroom learning into effective solutions starting with initial prototypes.

  • Architecture Elements Basis for Digital Solutions

The misuse of "Architecture" is mot prevalent in Digital today. Sometime, "implementation details" are referred as "Architecture", else "vendor products" are referred as "Architecture". Remember, buying Mittal Steel doesn't get the Architecture of your Building for free. Learn how to create Architecture elements as a basis for Digital Solutions.

  • Multi-skill

Architecture is not about learning one methodology or an incomplete framework. It needs multiple skills, business specification to system requirements, data modelling to network infrastructure, application models to technology rules, implementation and ability to ensure that operational systems are supporting original intended ideas.

  • ITA Methodology with 30 Days Cycle

In every other industry, Architecture is about managing complexity with low cost and faster delivery. Unfortunately, prevailing BoK is exactly done the reverse. With ICMG breakthrough in IT Anatomy, you can create architecture driven solutions in 30 days cycle. Learn How.

  • Static diagrams vs Models on the fly

Civil Architecture in absence of Civil Engineering will not make sense. Similarly, putting some random diagrams doesn't get us structure. Learn how to get "structure" of your Digital systems using six variables. How to create solution models on the fly to address new opportunities.

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