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Architecture enable you to accommodate complexity and change. If you don't have Enterprise Architecture, your enterprise is not going to be viable in a increasingly complex and changing external environment.

John Zachman, Inventor of Enterprise Architecture

Part 1 of 22:  Why is the Zachman Framework so misunderstood?

Part 1 of 22: Why is the Zachman Framework so misunderstood?

Why is the Zachman Framework so misunderstood? In this 22 part Enterprise Architecture conversation, John Zachman and Sunil Dutt Jha discuss why so many people misunderstand the Zachman Framework™. The Framework looks simple ... but it is somewhat paradoxical. It is an Ontology and as such, it is the foundation of a discipline for creating very complex objects, specifically, Enterprises. The Periodic Table is used as a metaphor. It looks simple but it requires 4 years of university study to become competent to function in the discipline of Chemical Engineering. Similarly, it takes study to become competent as an Enterprise Architect. The Framework Ontology is fundamental to this competency and simply glancing at the Framework graphic is not sufficient to become an expert. Feel free to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you ENJOY the VIDEO! For more information about how to become a Zachman Certified™ - Enterprise Architect, visit COMPLETE 22 part PLAYLIST: John A. Zachman, CEO Zachman International, Executive Director The FEAC Institute / Sunil Dutt Jha, CEO iCMG Zachman Youtube: Zachman Linkedin: Zachman Twitter: iCMG Linkedin: Zachman® and Zachman International® are registered trademarks of Zachman International, Inc.
Part 7 of 22: How does the Zachman Framework™ compare with other frameworks?

Part 7 of 22: How does the Zachman Framework™ compare with other frameworks?

How does the Zachman Framework™ compare with other frameworks? In this 22 part Enterprise Architecture conversation, John Zachman and Sunil Dutt Jha discuss the fact that there is no comparison because the popular frameworks are trying to help deliver some results ... and results, implementations, by definition, are composite in nature. The Zachman Framework classifies Primitives, "elements". Primitives don't do anything. The Zachman Framework doesn't do anything. However, if an Enterprise actually had Primitives defined by the Zachman Framework in a Repository, they could very quickly create a literally INFINITE number of different composites. Therefore, by definition, any Framework that creates composite representations by definition is creating a very small sub-set of the total infinite possibilities. John Zachman is quick to observe he never said to "stop the music" for 20 years and build Primitive Models. He said, someday, SOME DAY, the Enterprise is going to wish they had a critical mass of the Primitive Models. Feel free to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you ENJOY the VIDEO! For more information about how to become a Zachman Certified™ - Enterprise Architect, visit COMPLETE 22 part PLAYLIST: John A. Zachman, CEO Zachman International, Executive Director The FEAC Institute / Sunil Dutt Jha, CEO iCMG Zachman Youtube: Zachman Linkedin: Zachman Twitter: iCMG Linkedin: Zachman® and Zachman International® are registered trademarks of Zachman International, Inc.
Part 8 of 22: Can people download your Framework and call themselves Enterprise Architects?

Part 8 of 22: Can people download your Framework and call themselves Enterprise Architects?

How do you feel about people downloading your Framework and Calling themselves Enterprise Architects? In this 22 part Enterprise Architecture conversation, John Zachman and Sunil Dutt Jha discuss how John Zachman has been giving his Framework away for 40 years. The Zachman Framework IS Enterprise Architecture. Architecture is Architecture is Architecture. The Zachman Framework is the same as the Frameworks for Architecture of buildings, airplanes, computers, locomotives,etc., etc. with Enterprise names on the artifacts. You don't need Architecture to do Manufacturing, Manufacturing produces implementations. However, if you want integration, reusability, flexibility, interoperability, alignment and so on, those characteristics are derived from Engineering, not Manufacturing. If you cannot show the single-variable, Zachman Framework Primitive Models, you might be able to show an implementation but it is not going to be integrated, reusable, flexible, interoperable, aligned and so on because those characteristics are derived from Engineering and the implementation has not been engineered because there are no Zachman Framework Primitive Models. Feel free to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you ENJOY the VIDEO! For more information about how to become a Zachman Certified™ - Enterprise Architect, visit COMPLETE 22 part PLAYLIST: John A. Zachman, CEO Zachman International, Executive Director The FEAC Institute / Sunil Dutt Jha, CEO iCMG Zachman Youtube: Zachman Linkedin: Zachman Twitter: iCMG Linkedin: Zachman® and Zachman International® are registered trademarks of Zachman International, Inc.
Part 9 of 22: What is the Role of the Enterprise Architect?

Part 9 of 22: What is the Role of the Enterprise Architect?

What is the Role of the Enterprise Architect? In this 22 part Enterprise Architecture conversation, John Zachman and Sunil Dutt Jha discus a medical metaphor as the basis for defining the Role of the Enterprise Architect. The Doctor goes to school to learn about the Human Body (the Body Architecture), how to diagnose problems and prescribe solutions. The X-ray technician takes a picture, a snap-shot, a Model that is good at a point in time, fixed. The Doctor reads the X-Ray, diagnoses the problem, prescribes a solution. The Diagnosis and Prescription are dependent on the understanding of the Human Body, the Architecture "Primitives", the Ontology which is timeless. The X-Ray is a snap-shot, a Model, a Composite, created by a technician at a point in time. The Role of the Enterprise Architect should be one like a Doctor, understanding the Human Body, the Architecture Primitives, diagnosing problems, prescribing solutions, not simply the X-Ray Technician building Models, composites, snap-shots. The real value lies in diagnosing the Enterprise problems and prescribing solutions, not simply building Composite, implementation Models. Feel free to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you ENJOY the VIDEO! For more information about how to become a Zachman Certified™ - Enterprise Architect, visit COMPLETE 22 part PLAYLIST: John A. Zachman, CEO Zachman International, Executive Director The FEAC Institute / Sunil Dutt Jha, CEO iCMG Zachman Youtube: Zachman Linkedin: Zachman Twitter: iCMG Linkedin: Zachman® and Zachman International® are registered trademarks of Zachman International, Inc.

Digital Architecture is key to Digital Transformation. Of course, Digital Architecture is not a random set of models drawn for just a few stakeholders. Understanding of Digital Anatomy is the key to create Digital Architecture.

The Digital Architecture and an Instance of The Digital Architecture are two different things. 

Sunil Dutt Jha

CEO ICMG International


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